Rusty Tweed Discusses Sustainability For Businesses

Rusty Tweed

Rusty Tweed

When businesses are considering installing solar energy systems, there are many factors to take into consideration. Solar power is a cost-effective and sustainable energy source for businesses of all sizes. Large companies like IKEA, Target, Apple, and Intel have taken advantage of the benefits of solar. Smaller companies are slower to adopt the technology, but with the Solar Investment Tax Credit, it makes sense for these companies to make investments in the area.

The first and most cost-effective benefit is the free solar electricity. Businesses tend to pay off their installation costs in the first three to six years after installing the systems, so after that, the business receives free energy and often actually makes a profit. Solar systems can last up to 25 years with very little maintenance required.

The next important benefit is the environmental cause. Many people feel strongly that we as a nation need to break our dependence on fossil fuels for electricity. Solar power helps environmentally conscious businesses support the health of the planet. Businesses which have been certified as environmentally friendly reap the benefits of their forward-thinking.

Rusty Tweed, TG Daily

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