Businesses all over the world need to follow practices to help them become more sustainable. But it’s not all about reducing carbon footprints and greenhouse gas emissions. Other benefits include saving money on your energy bills and keeping more of it in your company’s bank account. Then, prepare for your future investments using the help of Pine Advisors. First, start by reviewing five ways to make your business more green and profitable.
Stop Printing – Go Paperless
Most offices are guilty of printing piles upon piles of paperwork. And most printed documents can be created, stored and sent electronically. The average office can go through dozens of stacks of printer paper in one week.
Going paperless makes everything about sharing information easier. There is no need to buy multiple printers for one office or buy printer ink. Since the printer will be rarely used, office workers don’t have to deal with annoying printer errors. Instead, they focus on maintaining the computer and keeping the company’s digital files confidential.
Buy Energy-Efficient Equipment
Every business needs machinery to run its daily operations. As you invest in technology to save time and money, invest in energy-efficient equipment to save even more money. Part of being sustainable is learning how to avoid wasting energy. This involves buying tools and machines that conserve as much energy as possible.
Use Recycled Materials
Use recycled paper, rubber, glass, plastic and other materials to supply your business. For most businesses, going 100% paperless is not possible. Recycled paper is available in select stores and cheaper to buy than new printer paper. Any type of material can be recycled, including the ones used to construct buildings. Consider using all or mostly recycled products and services for your next building project.
Install Energy-Efficient HVAC system
You can buy hundreds of dollar a month by cutting down on your HVAC services. It’s understandable that a public building needs to be either cool or warm at all times. But there is no requirement to run the heater or A/C on all day and run up the energy bills.
An energy-efficient HVAC system turns and off at certain times of the day. It does not waste electricity by running all day long in empty rooms. Another important, energy-saving feature is zoning that allows you to control which rooms receive HVAC services and which ones do not.
Look for Tax Incentives
Business tax incentives work to save your business and the environment. Look for incentives given to businesses that are working to conserve energy, encourage less pollution and other green practices. These tax credits include deductions that you can make on your business tax returns, allowing you to save hundreds of dollars.
Being sustainable means earning money without putting a dent in society or your wallet. From a businessperson’s perspective, sustainability is more than saving the environment because your business could save thousands of dollars each year. Instead of paying too much on energy bills, use these savings for more important tasks and projects. To better manage your savings, contact our investment managers at Pine Advisors.